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Layout 7: Simple-3-column

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1 Easy! Easy! Easy!

This is an easy way to show a gallery of photos, have a page that appears in a Newspaper format, or to place areas of text that needs to be divided.

2 Box Title - H6

I've used a heading 6 tag for the title of the box. It's just different enough to grab your reader's attention. You choose whatever you like best!

3 Fill All of The Boxes in the line

Make sure you put something in all of the boxes in the line. This way, you get three columns.

4 Copy this Page or make your own for the Simple 3 column

First, make a new page from the "one column" dwt or copy the One Column page (Layout 5) from the file. Then add as many rows in the "Content Full" area as you need.

5 How to do it...

It's easy to do. Just add this coding in the html for three boxes in a row:

 <div class="contentBox3a">
<div class="contentBox3b">
<div class="contentBox3c">
<div class="clear"></div>

6 Content 6

 It looks better if your text is evenly distributed and one column is not much longer than the others.

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Monday-Friday: 8-5
Saturday: Noon-5
Sunday: Closed

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