Pet Grooming Crew
The best you'll find anywhere
1234 Main Street
Your City, Your State
You can easily use this contact form to receive information from your visitors. It is a simple form that does not require any configuring on your server. Note: The contact form submit button is not active on this "see it in action" page. After hitting the submit button on your site, your visitors will be directed to your "Thank You" page.
Monday-Friday: 8-5
Saturday: Noon-5
Sunday: Closed
123 Main Street
Your City, Your State
This map is built for you! When you view this map on your site, you'll see your saved places on the map. Your site's visitors won't see those saved places – they'll see a map built for them. It's easy to insert a Google map into your site. Go to Google Maps to get the map specifically for you. Type in your location into the search box. Click on the "Share" link. Choose "Embed map". Select the iframe code. Copy the embed code. Paste your code to replace ours. You'll have to change it in code view. Look for <iframe src=" and paste your embed code. (It won't be hard to find since it's a long code full of numbers and will probably be the longest line in code view! It's as simple as that to get a map into your site!
123 Main Street
Your City, Your State
Monday-Friday: 8-5
Saturday: Noon-5
Sunday: Closed