Your Salon & Spa
Pampering you deserve
Add your photos to this easy gallery. Make sure you place all of the photos in the "gallery" folder in the template.
Make two images: a small one for this page and another larger one for the JavaScript Lightbox to call in.
Your gallery will look better if all of your small images are the same height. They don't have to be the same width, though.
Your larger images can be as large as you'd like, but just keep in mind that your viewers won't want to wait for a huge picture that takes forever to load, to appear.
123 Main Street, Your City, Your State
Monday-Friday: 8-5
Morbi id dolor tellus. Cras nunc massa, congue sit amet interdum id, vulputate ac eros. Mauris eu adipiscing erat. Ut magna nunc, tincidunt in ultricies eu, elementum ut erat.