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Title & Description


The copyright for this web template and accompanying design remains with the designer, Templates in Time. You may not claim ownership of the design nor may you use it for any purpose other than that explicitly set forth in the separate license agreement.

Template Use:

This template comes with a site license, not a user or computer license. This template is licensed for use on one site only. If you wish to use this template for subsequent sites, you must purchase a license for each additional site. All images and source files included within the template are licensed for use with this template only. All royalty-free image vendors have their own terms of use in how their images may be used and in what context. Please check with the listed vendor(s) if you have questions.



Title & Description

Can I change the template colors? You can easily modify font colors (links, headings, and text) by editing the included CSS file. Some other elements may be easily modified as well. If you feel the colors used in this template do not meet your needs, we offer custom design and modification services. Please contact us for details and pricing information.

How do I add my site name? Changing the Template Name, along with adding your own slogan, is easily done by typing in your name in the dwt or on the page in our generic html5 template.

Can I change the images used in the template? You should replace all sample images with those of your own. All other "Sample" marked images are from vendors and MUST be replaced with your own images or images you purchase from a vendor.



Title & Description

Expression Web: This template was designed for Expression Web or Dreamweaver if the template uses dynamic web template (.dwt) pages.

HTML5: This template is made for almost any html web editor.

Google Maps: This map is built for you! When you view this map on your site, you'll see your saved places on the map. Your site's visitors won't see those saved places – they'll see a map built for them. Go to Google Maps to get the map specifically for you. Type in your location into the search box. Click on the "Share" link. Choose "Embed map". Select the iframe code. Copy the embed code. Paste your code to replace ours.


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