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Image description goes here Image description goes here Image description goes here

Great Selections

We build it so you have some100 px great choices! You choose the layout you want for each page. You can mix and match, too!

Custom Look

Your visitors are looking for a100 px clean, functional site. With this template and your content, it's just perfect!


We use the latest coding100 px in our templates and themes. Our templates load quickly and are responsive.

Html 5 Coding

Isn't it time you updated your100 px website? Get an up-to-date look NOW! Call us if you have questions.

Template 1850 ~ Business 62


 Need a website for your business?

This HTML5 coded template was created just for you! Take a look inside at this one! Want a clean look for your site - you've got it! You can easily swap our images out for yours!

Many times people want to choose their own images for their templates in order to achieve the perfect look for their business or personal site.

Why Our Templates?
  • Our templates use an external cascading style sheet (CSS).
  • Cross browser tested so you know your site appears just as you developed it!
  • All you need to do is to type in your business name in order to change it.
  • This template has a number of different layouts.

The great thing about you choosing your own images is that you have a unique look for your web. You'll have a site that is customized for you, without paying the custom price! The size of each of the slideshow images is 1000 pixels X 500 pixels. They were purchased at Big Stock Photo. You must replace them with images of your own, as they are licensed to Templates in Time for use in this template sample only.

Navigation? It's a snap...

Just open the dwts and change the navigation or if you have an html/css template that can be used in any web editor, just change the navigation on the pages you are using! It's easier than you think! Change your links in code view! Having difficulties? Contact us, we're there with you all the way!

Responsive Design

This template was made to "respond" to different viewports, including your desktop computer, tablets, iPads, and cell phones. It automatically adjusts in width to the visitor's device.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts are used in this template. You'll find that in "Design" view, the heading fonts don't look right. Just preview in your browser to see exactly what your heading tags look like.

Icon Images

Many of the icon images were found on free icon sites. They cannot be used in your website. They are only here to show you what you might do with images. You can do a search for "free icons" and find lots of them to use in your site. The three icon images used above were from www.aha-soft.com

It is time for a new look! Let us help.

img 1 img 2 img 3 img 4

Return Policies

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Shipping Information

Nunc fermentum nisi rhoncus ante tristique molestie. Proin vel tempor orci. Proin quam enim, tincidunt at lobortis a, adipiscing a leo. Cras porta cursus porta. Vivamus vitae rutrum lectus.

Contact Us

123 Main Street
Your City, Your State


Monday-Friday: 8-5
Saturday: Noon-5
Sunday: Closed